Intercâmbio de Férias no Canadá: Relatos de Estudantes
Para aqueles que ainda são estudantes, as férias são um dos momentos mais esperados do ano todo! É só iniciar as aulas que muitos já começam a planejar onde gostariam de passar os seus dias de folgas escolares. Às vezes, os planos para as próximas já se iniciam na atual mesmo! =)
E foi com muito planejamento que estudantes de diversas partes do Brasil (muitos deles nem se conheciam!) embarcaram para uma experiência de Intercâmbio no Canadá.
Foram quatro semanas, divididas entre Toronto e Montreal, em que os alunos puderam aprimorar o inglês e conhecer lugares incríveis, como também, aprender a enfrentar situações do dia a dia, valorizar o que possuem, fazer novos amigos, trocar experiências e ver como o mundo é de verdade! Além da diversão que envolve as férias, é um momento de reflexão consigo mesmo.
“Ansiava por conseguir mandar meu filho ao intercâmbio para que pudesse valorizar o que possui e aprendesse um pouco mais sobre a cultura de um país diferente do seu e aperfeiçoasse seu inglês. Como mãe, fiquei muito satisfeita com os cuidados que meu filho teve diante de todas as situações que enfrentou. Em relação ao aprendizado, o contato com as pessoas foi o que mais acrescentou na conversação e fez com que a timidez diminuísse. Foi uma grande experiência de vida para ele, deixou as pequenas birras no Brasil e espero que a partir daí consiga enxergar o mundo de outros ângulos.”, relatou Cinara Matsui, mãe do aluno Gustavo Matsui que participou do programa de férias.
Neste programa exclusivo para adolescentes, os alunos curtiram cada minuto da viagem e nos relataram como foi essa experiência! Acompanhe!
Elias Balbao: “I liked everything including the free days and the homestay. I also loved the classes with the music!”
Heloisa Santos: “I chose Montreal because I have always wanted to go to Canada and also do an exchange programme. I learned a lot of new vocabulary. I believe that I improved a lot in only two weeks. My favorite activity was the Create a Nation, because it was so much fun. I liked all my lessons and activities. My homestay family were really amazing people. Everything was a really good learning experience!”
Leonardo Theodora Ferrais: “I learned so many things and tricks to use and improve my English. I simply loved these weeks here in Montreal. I loved the “I have 6 cats” music and all the activities. Katrina is the best English teacher ever! I loved the classes!”
João Guilherme de Matos Souza: “I really liked the homestay family and the teacher! The activities were great! I loved it!”
José Alberto Santos: “I chose Canada to experience the culture and improve my English. With this experience, I managed to improve my speaking while also getting used to using English on a daily basis. The think I liked more about EC is how comfortable everyone feels at the school. It made it easier for me to learn and to interact in another language.”
Gabi Catarin: “I chose to come to Montreal because I always wanted to know Canada. I really improved my pronunciation. I really enjoyed the music in class. My homestay family was really friendly. I have already recommended to all my friends! I hope I will remember everything from this experience!”
Wilson Cruz: “I chose Montreal because of the amazing architecture combined with the multi-cultural environment and the opportunity to learn English. I really improved my vocabulary and my pronunciation. I improved a lot. I enjoyed the “create a nation” theme very much and the teacher was thumbs up! I especially liked the polite, extraverted and welcoming staff at EC Montreal!”
Maria Eduarda Vieira Rodrigues: “I really improved my pronunciation and my speaking skills. I loved when we made our own countries in class. I really liked my accommodation. Everything was perfect!”
Veja as fotos dos alunos na escola e nos passeios, clicando aqui.
Maria Vitoria Mendonça: “I really enjoyed the “create a nation” activity in class. My English skills really improved a lot. The teacher was amazing! I loved making new friends and will definitely recommend EC to all my friends. I enjoyed learning about Montreal!”
Gustavo Matsui: “I came to Canada to improve my English skills and to visit new places. I learned different things that I have never seen before and improved speaking because I had to speak in English. I improved my vocabulary too.”
Lucas Fernandes: “I really enjoyed the “create a nation” activity. My English improved a lot and I even learned a little French! I really loved the Biodome activity because I love animals a lot. I really like the school and the people who work here. I loved meeting new people. I will recommend EC Montreal to my friends.”
Martha Braun da Rosa: “I wish I could stay longer to improve more my vocabulary. The accommodation was really good and I liked the teacher a lot.”
Anna Carolina Kirst: “I improved my English here at EC Montreal and I learned more about pronunciation and some new words. I really enjoyed the “create a nation” theme. My host family was amazing, very gentle and nice. I would recommend EC to a friend. I liked the teacher, she is relaxed, funny and an extrovert. I will remember all the places that I visited and the classes.”
Vinicius F. Bolson: “The little time I’ve spent here in Montreal is among the best moments I have had up until now. The city is gorgeous and I’ve had a wonderful experience at EC, mainly because of some of the teachers, who are constantly committed to delivering great lessons to whoever is up to the challenge of learning another language, may it be English or French.”
Bryan Marcaes: “EC is fantastic and easy to find in Montreal. I have learned some new unknown English and practiced a lot. Katrina, the teacher is super smart and polite. She made sure we did our homework. She is so nice and pretty and loves cats! I loved Montreal, Canada and the people!”
Curtiu? Quer ter uma vivência como essa? Venha para o Yázigi Travel. Temos programas de férias para adolescentes nos meses de janeiro e julho, sempre com um destino diferente para você aproveitar as suas férias da melhor forma possível!